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To Study the Fouling of Corrugated Plate Type Heat Exchanger in the Dairy Industry

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, 638 052, Tamilnadu, INDIA

Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 2, Issue (1), Pages 5-10, January,26 (2013)


Fouling is a major severe problem both technically and economically in the corrugated plate type heat exchanger from dairy industry. Thermal treatment of milk represents major unit operations. It should be considered that products microbiologic safety and shelf-life increase. But during the thermal treatment of such sensible fluids in a corrugated plate type heat exchanger, proteins are denaturized and aggregate reaction takes place. Finally formation of fouling affect’s the treatment’s efficiency and overall heat transfer efficiency. The relative amount of denaturated and aggregated proteins depends upon a number of factors such as milk quality, presence of micro organism, Operating condition, design and type of heat exchangers and heat transfer surface properties. In this present work fouling factors consider the change in a process condition. Pre-heating of test fluid and cleaning of corrugated plate surface provides controlling of fouling and enhances the rate of heat transfer and increase the treatment efficiency (pasteurization, sterilization process) of milk products.


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