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Graph Theoretic approach (GTA) A Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) Technique

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad – 121006, INDIA
  • 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Institute of Technology and Management, Palwal - 121105, INDIA

Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 2, Issue (1), Pages 50-53, January,26 (2013)


This paper presents the basic concepts details of graph theoretic approach as a decision-making method in the manufacturing environment. Graph theory and matrix approach as a decision-making method is relatively new, and offers a generic, simple, easy, and convenient decision-making method that involves less computation. The method lays emphasis on decision-making methodology, gives much attention to the issues of identifying the attributes, and to associating the alternatives with the attributes, etc. The measures of the attributes and their relative importance are used together to rank the alternatives, and hence provides a better evaluation of the alternatives. The permanent concept fully characterizes the considered selection problem, as it contains all possible structural components of the attributes and their relative importance. The graph theoretical methodology consists of three steps – digraph representation, matrix representation and permanent function representation. These are also explained in the paper.


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