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A Study on Inventorization of GHGs from Energy and Industrial Sector and their Impacts in the Tungbhadra River basin, South India

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Environmental Sciences, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga, Karnataka -577451, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 2, Issue (3), Pages 35-40, March,22 (2013)


The climate negotiations and treaties are clearly mentioned that stabilization of anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere which would impact on the climate system is required. To this dialogue, IPCC has taken several initiatives to estimate and minimize the GHGs emission across the globe which will lead to the global warming. As per the IPCC and other several studies across the globe mentioned that energy and industrial sectors are the major contributor of global warming and emits GHGs largely (around 60 percent) compared to other sectors. Based on the understanding of macro level studies, we have chosen micro level study, Tungabhadra River basin in south India to understand the impacts GHGs and their level of emissions to the atmosphere. This study, focused on the energy and industrial sector in the basin to estimate the emissions of GHG by adopting a methodology, ‘revised 1996 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventory’ developed by IPCC. This study found that, the ratio of emissions is increasing rapidly due to the urbanization and industrialization. The end results show that energy and industrial sector contribute almost equally but the emissions rate increasingly highly from energy sector. Thus, adopting for green energies such as solar, wind, bio gas etc., will reduce the emissions in the basin. In addition, replacing older technologies with advanced equipment will consume less energy and contribute minimum GHGs.


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