Geochemical Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Mangrove Ecosystem: A Brief Overview
Author Affiliations
- 1 School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, INDIA
Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 2, Issue (3), Pages 62-66, March,22 (2013)
Heavy metal contamination in the mangrove ecosystems is the matter of concern as its long persistence and continuous anthropogenic inputs. Depositional environment also affects the concentration of heavy metals as its significant positive correlation with organic carbon content and particle size of the sediments. Heavy metal concentrations is higher in the upper layer of mangrove sediments as compares to mud flats as the higher content of fine particle and organic matter in the upper sediment layers of the mangrove sites. Heavy metals concentration depends upon the factors influencing its content in the sediments as well as on release.
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