Study, manufacture and testing of a hybrid Solar domestic water heater for a sustainable approach in West African climatic conditions
Author Affiliations
- 1Laboratory of Processes and Technological Innovations, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INSTI) of Lokossa, Lokossa, Benin
- 2Laboratory of Processes and Technological Innovations, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INSTI) of Lokossa, Lokossa, Benin
- 3Laboratory of Processes and Technological Innovations, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INSTI) of Lokossa, Lokossa, Benin and PTAA, CRA Agonkanmey, National Institute for Agricultural Research of Benin, Cotonou, Benin
- 4Laboratory of Processes and Technological Innovations, National Institute of Industrial Technology (INSTI) of Lokossa, Lokossa, Benin
Int. Res. J. Environment Sci., Volume 10, Issue (1), Pages 55-61, January,22 (2021)
Sanitary hot water is needed in many industrial processes but can also be found in the habitat where it contributes to household comfort. In industrial applications, hot water is used in food processing or as a heat transfer fluid. It is sometimes used to operate machines such as absorption refrigeration systems for the production of cold for the preservation of foodstuffs, etc. Producing hot water from energy sources that are not harmful to the environment, such as solar energy, is a challenge to limit the negative impacts of the use of fossil fuels on nature. Despite the advantages of solar hot water production and the potential of solar energy in Africa, this technique remains little used in Sub-Saharan Africa due to the lack of equipment and its high price. The objective of the project is to help design, manufacture and test a local, efficient and affordable solar water heater for the African market. The first experimental tests on the hot water production showed that the hot water storage temperature in the equipment\'s tank can reach 80°C, on sunny days under the test conditions in Benin. On non-sunny days, the completed collector should operate with an electric booster to reach the hot water storage temperature of 80°C required for some industrial applications (absorption machines). These first tests are conclusive and this low environmental impact device can be improved and popularised for industrial and domestic applications in sub-Saharan climatic conditions.
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