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Chemotaxonomic study and botanical overview of some Ziziphus spp. in Sudan

Author Affiliations

  • 1Northern Borders University, Rafha City, Saudi Arabia
  • 2Northern Borders University, Rafha City, Saudi Arabia

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 7, Issue (5), Pages 32-39, May,10 (2018)


The research aims to construct taxonomic keys for Ziziphus in Sudan, based on morphology and chemical components of fruits. This is by determination of the major chemical components of fruits of some species of the genus Ziziphus in the Sudan. The study also had surveyed the various uses of the genus in Sudanese rural areas. Plant materials were collected from different parts of Sudan, with special reference to the States of Gezira, Kordofan, Darfur and the White Nile. The collected plants were identified and synonymy was updated. Brief botanical species descriptions have been given with notes on geographical distribution and common uses. Fruits were chemically analyzed according to the methods adopted by the AOAC. These methods were used for the determination of the following contents: moisture, ash, crude, protein, fat, crude fiber, carbohydrates, reducing sugars, sucrose and the elements Ca, Mg, Fe, and P. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for the determination of citric and ascorbic acid contents. Results of chemical data were analyzed using the variance ratio test (F-test) with a probability of 5%. The major findings of this study were that, five Ziziphus spp. were identified, namely: Z.spina-christi, Z.abyssinica, Z.mauritiana, Z.mucronata and Z.pubescens. Those species were multipurpose and have many uses such as food, medicine, rituals and often superstitions. Results of chemical analysis of three Ziziphus spp found a significant differences among the chemical components of Z.mauritiana, on one hand, and those of Z.spina-christi and Z.abyssinica on the other hand. These chemical variations could help to construct taxonomic keys for Ziziphus spp. in Sudan.


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