Comparative Phytochemical Determination of two spices: Capsicum frutescens L. and Capsiscum annun L. (Solanaceae family)
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, Marien NGOUABI University, Brazzaville, Congo
- 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, Marien NGOUABI University, Brazzaville, Congo
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 5, Issue (10), Pages 40-44, October,10 (2016)
The quantification of the phytochemical constituents was undertaken for Capsicum frutescens and Capsiscum annun (solanaceae family) as they are known to be medicinally important. The fruits were collected and milled into powder after drying in an oven at 70°C for 24 h. The dried powder material was used for phytochemical analysis. The phytochemical analysis indicated that most of the screened compounds were present in the samples, including phenols, flavonoids, steroids, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, saponins and triterpenoids. However, phenols and anthocyanins were not detected in C.annum and C.frutescens respectively. The results also showed a higher presence of phytochemicals in C.annum than in C.frutescens. Quantitative analysis of the fruit revealed high amounts of pectins (14 .60±4.74 % ) and alkaloids(5.30±0.01% ) in C.annum while high concentrations of saponins were recorded in both species (11.40±2.60 and 3.7±0.30% in C.annum and C.frutescens respectively). Phenols and anthocyanins were detected in lower quantities (1.17±0.37 - 1.9±0.50%) and flavonoids were detected as trace compounds (0.50±0.08-0.90±0.10%). From the results it was possible to conclude that the fruits contained bioactive compounds that help in fighting against degenerative and chronic diseases and determined the fruits’ nutritional and medicinal value. This suggests that the fruits could be used for food supplementation in developing countries.
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