Effect of Coriandrum Oil on the RNA Levels in the Ovary of Corcyra Cephalonica
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Zoology, Nizam College, Osmania University Hyderabad-500001, India
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 5, Issue (10), Pages 55-57, October,10 (2016)
Corcyra cephalonica is a threat to agricultural crop produces infesting cereals, and many other food products, hence an attempt was made to control the stored products pest by using medicinal plant extract Coriandrum oil. The RNA levels in the ovary increased gradually in the larvae, pupae and the adults of Corcyra cephalonica, whereas in the Coriandrum oil treated resultant larvae there was a prominent decrease in the protein content when compared with the controls.
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