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Effect of Quantitative Feed Restriction on Carcass Characteristics and Some Blood Parameters in Broiler Chickens

Author Affiliations

  • 1Cukurova University, Department of Animal Science, Adana, Turkey

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 5, Issue (10), Pages 1-6, October,10 (2016)


This experiment was conducted to examine the effect of feed restriction on the carcass characteristics of broiler chicks. In this study 420 day-old male broiler chickens (Cobb-500) were randomly divided into 7 treatments (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) each in 4 replicates of 15 birds per pen. Group A was fed ad libitum throughout the experiment and other six groups were fed restricted as B( 8h/day in 7-14 days of age), C(16h/day in 7-14 days of age), D (8h/day in 14-21 days of age), E (16h/ day in 14-21 days of age), F (8h/ day in 21-28 days of age) and G (16h/ day in 21-28 days of age). At the end of the experiment two chickens from each pen were randomly selected and slaughtered to determine carcass and some blood parameters and then data were analyzed. Results revealed that there was no significantly difference in live weight, carcass weight, breast weight, thighs weight, heart weight, abdominal fat weight, liver weight and gizzard weight (p>0.05). There were significantly differences (p<0.05) in breast crude fat and breast dry matter parameters. The date obtained showed there were not differences in hematocrit, hemoglobin and RV/TV but there is significantly difference in Ascites mortality parameter (p<0.05).


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