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Novel Coronavirus: an emergent virus, threat for mankind

Author Affiliations

  • 1South Calcutta Girls College, 72, Sarat Bose Rd, Lansdown, Garcha, Ballygunge, Kolkata, West Bengal 700025, India

Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 10, Issue (1), Pages 40-44, February,10 (2021)


The coronavirus pandemic (2019-nCoV) that germinated in Wuhan city of China, has gradually surpassed every geographical boundary possible to bring 213 countries under its grasp. The amount of cases has been accelerating each day in an exponential manner with the manner of transmission being interface amid human-to-human or through air droplets; and the patients infected with pneumonia by SARS-CoV-2, are exhibiting common flu like symptoms of fever and coughing. There is tremendous pressure on the governments of all countries to control the outbreak that has transformed into a global health emergency. Therefore the current scenario demands transparency, preparedness and sharing of information as essential steps to combat this outbreak. This manuscript assembles the virology and updated clinical management strategies. The human CoV outbreaks future depends on the evolution of viruses as well as development of prevention and promising treatment strategies for dealing with future threat of spreads.


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