Enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in Chickpea (Cicerarientinum L.)
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Botany, Fergusson College, Pune-411004, India
- 2Department of Botany, Fergusson College, Pune-411004, India
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 10, Issue (1), Pages 7-13, February,10 (2021)
Chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) belong to the family leguminosae. Young chick pea leaves are also eaten as a cooked vegetable and could be a useful source of dietary nutrients. Enzymic parameters like peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase are selected. Experimental part include screening of non-enzymatic parameters like proteins, reducing sugar, polyphenols and ascorbic acid. From this study we can conclude that the mature leaves are rich source of non-enzymatic antioxidants. From the result of the studies on non-enzymatic antioxidants, it is observed that polyphenols are less than other parameters. Two stages of development of leaves were included for the study of antioxidants from enzymatic and non-enzymatic status in order to ascertain if a difference existed in the levels of enzyme activity in stage of development. This result showed that the leaves in both stages possessed considerable activity of the non-enzymatic and enzymatic parameters. These findings suggest that potential use of Cicerarientinum leaves to battle the innumerable diseases and disorder linked with oxidative damages. From the result of present study, it is apparent that leaves of Cicerarientinum L. possess considerable levels of both antioxidants and it is advisable to consume the leaves at mature stage. To summarize the observations of the studies on the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants, it can be inferred that the full mature leaves have rich source of enzymatic and non-enzymatic parameters except polyphenols.
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