Physiochemical composition and microbial load of some branded yoghurt sold in Addis Ababa and Bishoftu city, Ethiopia
Author Affiliations
- 1Ethiopia Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute, P.O.1573, Bishoftu, Ethiopia
- 2Selale University, College Animal and Range science, P.O. 245, Fiche, Ethiopia
Int. Res. J. Biological Sci., Volume 10, Issue (1), Pages 1-6, February,10 (2021)
Study were carry out to determined physiochemical and microbial quality analysis for different seven brand yoghurt were collected and analyzed for Bishoftu and Addis Ababa city. For this analysis each brand of yoghurt were collected three times to reduce error. The range of total bacterial count and coliform count were 1.99X106 to 2.50X109 cfu/ml and 2.59X102 to 1.12X104 cfu/ml respectively. In current study total yeast and mould counts were ranged from 1.11X102 to 4.93X102 cfu/ml. Protein and lactose percentage of yoghurt brands range from 4.3% to 4.7% and 4.1% to 4.7%. Protein and lactose percentage of all yoghurt brands was not significantly different at p>0.05. In addition, fats and total solids percentage, titratable acidity of yoghurt also drastically diverse at P>0.05. Occurrence of high total bacterial count, coliform and yeast and mould in yoghurt has impact on health of the consumer. Due to this and other factor it needs special issue from concerning body to solve the problem.
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