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Analogous studies on composition, morphology and density of natural and artificial soil in forensic application

Author Affiliations

  • 1Physics Section, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Bengaluru, Karanataka, India
  • 2Physics Section, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Bengaluru, Karanataka, India
  • 3Physics Section, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Bengaluru, Karanataka, India
  • 4Physics Section, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Bengaluru, Karanataka, India
  • 5Physics Section, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Bengaluru, Karanataka, India

Res. J. Forensic Sci., Volume 8, Issue (2), Pages 20-24, July,29 (2020)


Artificial soil (AS) was widely used today for the construction, but it requires more research activities for the identification and comparison of natural soil (NS) and artificial soil in forensic application. Present article reports the morphological information of the AS and NS sample using digital stereomicroscope. The elemental profiling of the NS and AS sample was carried out using portable XRF analyzer. Further the density of the NS and AS is compared and analyzed by density gradient method. The morphology, elemental profiling and density method was analyzed to compare and identify the NS and AS sample in sand trafficking.


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