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Mystery of a Rifleman: a case history

Author Affiliations

  • 1Forensic Science Laboratory Haryana, Madhuban, Karnal, India

Res. J. Forensic Sci., Volume 6, Issue (1), Pages 1-6, February,29 (2018)


This paper is based only on the basis of the evaluation of the history, experiment conducted on the 5.56mm INSAS rifle as per discussions held among the forensic ballistics experts on the queries raised by the investigating officer of the case, chemical tests performed on the firearm and laboratory examination carried out in the forensic science laboratory etc. It is pertinent to mention here that the author of the case has not visited at the scene of crime, no reconstruction of scene of crime was done, the body of deceased person was not examined by the author, the clothes worn by the deceased person were not examined by the author in the forensic science laboratory due to non availability of the same, no photograph of the scene of crime were produced before the author, the post mortem report was not examined by author due to non availability of the same on the present file in the Forensic Science Laboratory. Further this study is based on the basis of examination of the fired cartridge cases, and experiment carried out by the author in the Forensic Science Laboratory etc.


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