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Belief in and implementation of continuous assessment in some teacher education colleges of ethiopia: A mechanism for quality assurance in teacher training

Author Affiliations

  • 1Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Res. J.Educational Sci., Volume 5, Issue (1), Pages 11-19, January,1 (2017)


There is plethora of literature on the idea of continuous assessment (CA) and how to implement it at classroom level. The existence of such vast literature has the capacity to inspire teachers in schools, colleges of teacher Education, and stakeholders of education. Nevertheless it has been observed that the research works, literature reviews and the policy document did not have adequate effect on actual teaching practice that seems defensible. Both students and coaching teams in the education system are expressing their dissatisfactions in relation to classroom practices. Thus, this study is an attempt made to address the dissatisfaction mentioned here. The purpose of this study was to investigate beliefs of students and instructors on CA and assess implementation practices actually exercised at classroom level in teacher education colleges. A descriptive survey research approach was used in this study. The participants of the study were 352 college students and 112 college instructors of four randomly selected colleges from Oromia, Southern Nations Nationalities Regional State (SNNPRS) and Amhara regions. The data obtained through questionnaire on belief of both participants and implementation processes indicate no belief problem but adherence to (largely) group projects assessment technique. Results of this study showed that the existing assessment practice is in problem as it largely depends on single strategy. According to the data obtained, the implementation related ‘mantra’ and the practice are becoming alienated. CA is at the brink of crisis. The solution to this problem might be re-informing the virtues and re-establishing CA practices with the intrinsic pedagogical advantages it has, to the teaching staffs. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made to serve as a contribution for quality teacher education.


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