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Teachers Perception and Attitude on ICT enabled education in Leveraging Academic aptitude and Professionalism

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Dept. of Communication and Media Studies, Bharathiar University- Coimbatore, 641046- Tamilnadu, INDIA

Res. J.Educational Sci., Volume 3, Issue (10), Pages 11-16, December,1 (2015)


The ICT enabled education enhances both teaching and learning qualities. The educational justice is dependent upon the quality teaching. In effective teaching, the teachers have a significant role in engaging students for active learning. Teachers are the most significant school-related factor influencing student success, and how teachers are prepared and supported throughout their careers is essential to their success. Using a variety of techniques, teachers are creating intellectually ambitious tasks in students and motivating them with effective scaffold and support. Providing clear standards after having continuous assessments and evaluation the educators facilitate student progress. The professionalism in teaching will have an obvious influence on learning. Studies say that, the active involvement of teacher in education is vital in student performance and growth. The success of a student is dependent on how teachers prepare themselves for education. Continuous professional development for all educators leads to increase in student achievement. This paper analyzes the importance of ICT enabled education in enhancing professionalism and academic aptitude among the school teachers in Tamilnadu.


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