Methodology of Islamization of Human Knowledge: A Comparative Appraisal of Proposed Approaches
Author Affiliations
- 1 Department of Usul-al-din and Comparative Religion, KIRKHS, International Islamic University, MALAYSIA
Res. J.Educational Sci., Volume 3, Issue (10), Pages 5-10, December,1 (2015)
Islamization of Human Knowledge (IOHK) is an intellectual phenomenon which deals with the issues of knowledge. Initially a number of goals and objectives were set up, including the development of methodology to implement the program of IOHK. This paper attempts to analyse the development of the methodology of IOHK and existing issues highlighted by the pioneers of this project. The study found that experts have developed and presented various methods which need to apply in practical form to achieve main goals of IOHK. A comparative appraisal of various viewpoints will assist to perceive more effective and comprehensive methods in order to advance the project of IOHK.
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