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A Study on the Dimensions of Leadership Practices with Respect to Gender in Secondary School Students

Author Affiliations

  • 1Dept. of Education, M.N.R.P.G. Teacher Education College, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA

Res. J.Educational Sci., Volume 3, Issue (10), Pages 1-4, December,1 (2015)


The present study is an attempt to study the differences in leadership practices with respect to gender in secondary school students. For this purpose, comparisons of the students’ scores in the dimensions in leadership practices scale are carried out. Samples for the study include 50 urban students (33 boys and 17 girls) of classes VIII and IX of secondary school in Bal Nagar area of Hyderabad city, Telangana, India. The dimensions of Leadership practices are measured by collecting data using the Student Leadership Practices Scale - Self, prepared by Kouzes,J.M., and Posner,B.Z.(2006), for high school and college students. For data analysis, mean, standard deviation are used. The significance of the test is calculated using t-test for the level of significance α at 0.05 using SPSS Ver. 20. The findings of the study reveal no differences between the genders in the dimensions “Inspire a Shared Vision” and “Challenge the Process” and significant gender difference in other dimensions and the mean leadership practices score.


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