Status of Academic Performance Indicator (API) for College Teachers of Madhya Pradesh: A Review
Author Affiliations
- 1Botany, Govt. S. K. P. P. G. College, Dewas, MP, INDIA
- 2English, Govt. S. K. P. P. G. College, Dewas, MP, INDIA
- 3Botany, Govt. College, Kannod, Dewas, MP, INDIA
- 4Botany, Govt. Girls Kalidas College, Ujjain, MP, INDIA
Res. J.Educational Sci., Volume 2, Issue (5), Pages 5-13, August,1 (2014)
The present paper deals with the status of API (academic performance indicator) and PBAS (Performance based appraisal system) in Madhya Pradesh, which has been applied in higher educational institutes in India since 2010. Academic performance indicator is quantitative approach to measure the quality of teaching staff, i.e. their proficiency level. The API was introduced as an attempt to link teachers selection and their promotions according to their academic performance and also as measures for maintenance of standards in the higher education. In India at all higher educational institutions academic performance indicator is applied for the CAS of teachers. Madhya Pradesh state higher education department has also adopted this API and PBAS in the year 2010. Presently the three categories of PBAS are well implemented, but in view of experiences from the college teachers of M.P., maximum score given in category II is 25, is insufficient and could be increased.
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