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Causes of Underutilization of the Existing Conflict Management Strategies

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Education, AWKUM, PAKISTAN

Res. J.Educational Sci., Volume 1, Issue (5), Pages 9-15, August,1 (2013)


Conflict management styles have been in practice since organizational activities in the business as well as school climate initiated. Conflicts whether mild or acute need to be handled well in time so as to avoid its negative impact both on the individual as well as organizational performance. Different conflict management strategies have been in practice for handling varied conflicts. The present study focused on the use of different styles utilized for the management of conflicts in schools. Its major objective was to investigate why the existing styles were not utilized for the management of conflicts. It also concentrated on the question whether the administrators have been kept in dark regarding the use of these styles or whether there were other factors involved which became a hurdle for the principals in the use of these styles. Data were collected from both principals as well as teachers of the selected schools of District Charsadda. Questionnaires were utilized for the collection of data which were served to both type of target population who gave their responses regarding the non usability of the existent conflict management styles. Kendall’s Tau B and Tau C were utilized for analysis of data. Recommendations made on the basis of the findings showed that conflict management styles must be properly and timely utilized. It was also made clear that proper training workshops need to be arranged for the school staff so that they might be well aware of the causes and uses of all the conflict management strategies.


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