Teacher Education in the Age of Globalization
Author Affiliations
- 1 Research Scholar Department of Education University of Kashmir Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA
Res. J.Educational Sci., Volume 1, Issue (1), Pages 8-12, April,1 (2013)
Education plays a vital role to overcome many challenges and to maintain peace in the globe. Global challenges that influence all areas of human life in the world are conditions that are naturally going on as the consequence of the rapid development of science and technology. It is impossible to avoid but have to be faced by using resources with high quality especially human resources. Teacher’s quality is the keyword for insuring the quality of education. Qualified competent teachers will not be able to carry out their task professionally without the conditions that support their tasks. The present paper discusses the challenges of teacher education in the age of globalization. It also provides an overview of globalization and teacher education and changing context of teacher education in the global scenario.
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