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Table of Contents

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 6, Issue (6), Pages 1-58, June (2017)

Research Paper

1. Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols in fine and coarse particles at Agra, India
Tripti Pachauri,Anita Lakhani,K. Maharaj Kumari (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 1-4.
2. Changes in soil nutrient levels under four Teak plantations and their corresponding natural vegetations in Ghana
Kofi Agyarko,Akwasi A. Abunyewa,Zinekena S.T. Tii Bora,John Asare,Albert K. Boakye,Randy Y. Abankwa (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 5-12.
3. A study on effect of ligand on crystallography, morphology and photo-catalytic ability of ZnS nanostructures
Balwinder Kaur,Karamjit Singh,Ashok Kumar Malik (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 13-19.
4. Biodecolorization and Biodegradation of reactive azo dyes by Kappaphycus alvarezii and optimization of biofertilizing potential
Krishna Y. Pandya,Rinku V. Patel,Rakesh T. Jasrai,Nayana Brahmbhatt (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 20-28.
5. SODIS: A potent technology for sustainable drinking water management in tropics
Ghangale Sharmila S.,Bholay A.D.,Nalawade P.M. (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 29-34.

Short Communication

6. Technological needs of farm women in post-harvest practices of kinnow (Citrus Deliciosa)
Aastha Khatri (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 35-37.

Review Paper

7. ‘Enlightened Shareholders Value’ Approach under Section 172 of the UK Companies Act of 2006: An Analysis
Pervaiz Khan,Mirwais Kasi (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 38-42.
8. A review on impact of preharvest foliar sprays of macronutrients on yield and quality improvement of fruit crops
Anjali Tripathi,Shweta Uniyal,Paramjeet Sajwan,Sanjay Singh Negi (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 43-56.

Short Review Paper

9. Comparison between transportation technique and linear programming technique for any problem
Vandana Malviya (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(6), 57-58.