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Table of Contents

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 6, Issue (11), Pages 1-22, November (2017)

Research Paper

1. Integrating antecedent of constructive deviance and exploring obstacles in organization and work related outcomes
Khan Gul Sanga (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(11), 1-9.
2. Hydrological modelling using SWAT
B.K. Gavit,R.C. Purohit,H.N. Bhange,P.M. Ingle (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(11), 10-15.

Review Paper

3. A review of synthesis of Nickel Oxide by different routes and its Photocatalytic and Microbial study
Audi Deepa M. (2017). Res. J. Recent Sci., 6(11), 16-22.