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Effect of Fun@ work over act of making Friend in Organization: A Factual study of Print Media Organization

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Human Resources, Institute of Management Studies, DAVV, Indore, INDIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 4, Issue (IYSC-2015), Pages 52-60, September,2 (2015)


Fun @ work is a newly emerging concept in the literature of organization behaviour and social psychology. Despite an increasing number of studies on Employee Engagement, no unifying work is focused on the “ Fun at work “ and its effects. The general behaviour of employee and his/her interpersonal with colleague is usually not been observed or studied. Chatting over lunch and joking with coworkers may not seem like more than pleasant distractions at the office, but they could have an enormous impact on your work life. When employee do not have friend to talk, discuss, share, argue and chat about, the engagement level start deteriorating and the employee start feeling stressed and the productivity also declines. This paper and study aims to investigate that “fun at work activities” helps an employee to make “friend at work” on media employees. This study surveys 8500 employee of Dainik Bhaskar “a largest hindi print media house” covering its all onroll staff working across country. The results showed that in media industry employees are either Strong agree or agree that fun at work activities” helps them to make “friend at work”. The purpose of this study is to invoke concern over fun at work activities which would result in making “friend at work” which will leads in increased employee engagement and finally result in Higher Job Satisfaction, Better performance and Career Success. Since this is an untouched area in research and nearly dark area for HR professionals. This study will reveal the importance of “fun at work activities” in helping employees to make “friend at work” in media industry.


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