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Seasonal Diversity and Habitat characteristics of Algae of Wetlands in the West Garo Hill, Meghalaya, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Botany, Goalpara College, Goalpara 783101, Assam, INDIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 4, Issue (ISC-2014), Pages 274-279, (2015)


Seasonal diversity and habitat characteristics of algae of wetlands in West Garo Hill were investigated in three seasons in the year 2013. The wetlands were found to be highly fluctuates with season. The water showed slightly alkalinity. DO was found normal as prescribed by WHO. COD and TSS were found beyond the permissible limit. The BOD was slightly higher than permissible limit. About 36 algal species belonging to Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Desmidiaceae, Euglenophyceae, species have been identified. Chlorophyceae and bacilariophyceae were found maximum number than other class of algae. The species of spirogyra was most frequent among Chlorophyceae. The Bacillariophyceae members were dominated by Pinnularia and Navicula. Among Cyanophyceae, Nostoc, Anabaena and Oscillatoria were abundant. Large number of species of cyanophyceae was observed in summer season. Desmids were represented by a large number of Cosmarium and Closterium. There was a seasonal variation of algal types, count and that mostly depending on pH value, clearity of water, and amount of nutrients of water.


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