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A Review on Nanoparticles: Their Synthesis and Types

Author Affiliations

  • 1Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh (Lucknow Campus), Gomti Nagar Extension, Lucknow UP, INDIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 4, Issue (ISC-2014), Pages 9-11, (2015)


Nanotechnology refers to the creation and utilization of materials whose constituents exist at the nanoscale; and, by convention, be up to 100 nm in size. Nanotechnology explores electrical, optical, and magnetic activity as well as structural behavior at the molecular and submolecular level. It has the potential to revolutionize a series of medical and biotechnology tools and procedures so that they are portable, cheaper, safer, and easier to administer. Nanoparticles are being used for diverse purposes, from medical treatments, using in various branches of industry production such as solar and oxide fuel batteries for energy storage, to wide incorporation into diverse materials of everyday use such as cosmetics or clothes, optical devices, catalytic, bactericidal, electronic, sensor technology, biological labelling and treatment of some cancers. due to their exceptional properties including antibacterial activity, high resistance to oxidation and high thermal conductivity, nanoparticles have attracted considerable attention in recent years. Nanoparticles can be synthesized chemically or biologically. Metallic nanoparticles that have immense applications in industries are of different types, namely, Gold, Silver, Alloy, magnetic etc. This study aims to present an overview of nanoparticles, with special reference to their mechanism of biosynthesis and types.


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