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Intelligent Passive Anti-Islanding Protection for Doubly Fed Induction Generators

Author Affiliations

  • 1Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 2, Issue (7), Pages 8-13, July,2 (2013)


The integration of wind generation units into power system introduces several issues including islanding operation. Therefore, the system should be protected from islanding phenomenon by a fast and reliable islanding detection method. In this paper an intelligent anti-islanding protection approach is proposed to detect islanding states for Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) units. Different features based on rate of change of voltage, frequency, active power and reactive power at DG bus are employed to construct feature vectors. Because of intermittency of wind power, different generating states for DFIG unit are assumed. Probable events are simulated under system operating states to construct classification data set. Decision tree algorithm due to its high classification speed, implication simplicity and high accuracy, is used to classify instances. The proposed method is tested on typical distribution system including DFIG and different loads. The studies showed that this method succeeds in DFIG anti-islanding protection with high accuracy and negligible false trips. Because of high detection speed of decision tree algorithm, the proposed method is capable to protect the system from asynchronous reconnection of auto-reclosers.


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