Evaluation of Mbeya based organic fertiliser on maize yield and yield components in Malawi
Author Affiliations
- 1Ministry of Agriculture, Chitedze Agricultural Research Station Box 158 Lilongwe, Malawi
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 13, Issue (1), Pages 1-14, January,2 (2024)
Recent boom in organic business in the name of Mbeya manure fertilizer has taken shape in commercialisation without ATCC approval as several implications were at stake. Laboratory and fields experiments were, therefore, conducted to ascertain the quality of the products with and without modifications. The original products, as proclaimed by suppliers, were evaluated against the control treatment of inorganic fertilizer and the modified products by inclusion of specific microorganisms in solubilisation of fixed nutrients and oxidation of ammonia and nitrite. Field layout followed Completely Randomized Block Design with three replications and 5 treatments viz Modified Funani Mbeya fertilizer, Modified Kambeu Mbeya fertilizer, Original Funani Mbeya fertilizer, Original Kambeu Mbeya fertilizer and the recommended inorganic fertilizer for Maize. Besides assessing the grain yield, biomass and nutrient bioavailability, effect of the organic fertiliser on biostimulation was also studied in the rhizospheric soil. Results showed that that there was no significant differences on grain yield and its components between Mbeya based organic fertilisers and inorganic fertilisers. However, maize yield and some parameters (environmental and nutrient content) was higher in modified organic fertiliser.
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