Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ______________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606X Vol. 4(9), 27-33, September (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 27 Comparative study and chemical analysis of some important macrophytes of Nagchoon pond of Khandwa District, MP, IndiaMahajan Saroj G.M.L.B.G P.G. College Kilabhawan, Indore, MP, INDIAAvailable online at:, Received 21st August 2014, revised 10th September 2014, accepted 13th September 2014Abstract Macrophytesare aquatic vascular plants, it also include liverworts, ferns,aquatic mosses, and larger macroalgae. Three types of macrophytes are recognized: free floating, submerged, and emergent .These macrophytes grow in an aquatic ecosystem and it perform numbers of important environmental functions like water purification, ground water level recharge, augment and maintain stream flow, recycling of nutrients and provide habitat for wide variety of flora and fauna. Macrophytes are important components of freshwater ecosystems because they enhance physical structure of habitat and biological complexity, which increase biodiversity within littoral zones. The Nagchoon Pond represented byvarious macrophytic species. The chemical analysis of some important macrophytic species and their observations recorded during both the study year .The chemical parameter like Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, Nitrate, sulphate, and Phosphate studied for two different phases (Vegetative phase and Flowering phase) for life cycle of macrophytes. Keywords: Minerals, macrophytes, water, nagchoon, khandwa.IntroductionWater is the basis of life and universal solvent. Water is one of the most precious commodityrequired for survival of any form of life.1. There is no doubt that water has the largest collection of anomalous properties. The physiological importance of plants distribution controlled on earth’s surface by the availability of water.Macrophytes are important in maintaining nutrient level in the ecosystem of ponds and lake. Different types of macrophytes (figure 1) free floating, submerged emergent, are generally observed in an pond ecosystem. Macrophytesrespond strongly to the environmental condition within lakes, ponds, wetland and other water body. The chemical environment of many aquatic ecosystem has changed because of pollution ,anthopogenic activity , agriculture waste at an alarming rate. The tolerance limit of aquatic macrophyte linked with the chemical and physical quality of water. Due to variations in the aquatic plant community composition, and large number of individualspecies, provide us a valuable information about anpond ecosystem. Study Area: Khandwa district is situated south west of the state of Madhya Pradesh. The district is in Indore division of Madhya Pradesh. This district is bounded on the east by the Betul and Hoshangabad. Hoshangabad and Burhanpur of Indore division on south. On the west by West Nimarof Indore division and on the north by Dewas of the Ujjain Division (figure-2). The district khandwa has 6206.45 Square kilometer in area. This district lies for the most part on the uplands and valleys of the two major rivers, the Narmada and Tapti whichare flowing parallel to each other from east to west through the district. Nagchoon pond is a perineal tropical rainwater reservoir. It is a man made reservoir built by Britisher in 29th March 1897, at cost of Rs. 4 lakh by the rehabilitation of Moghat village. It is situated at a distance of four miles (6.4 K.M. ) north- west of Khandwa city on 21°49’ 36” N latitude and 76°20’ 56’ E longitudes surrounded by hills on three sides and an earthen band on one side. This bund makes 2.02 square kilometers area for collection of rain water. The catchment area of the reservoir was 23.30 sq. kilometer and added by local nallaes called baroodnalla and ajanti canal. Now it has been reduced greatly due to natural and anthropogenic activities. The mansoon surface runoff water is the only source of this reservior. It is situated at the height of 324.54 meter above the sea level. The height of the band 12 meter, depth is 5.2 meter, mean depth is 1.2 meter and 5.36 Kilometer long shore line. It is one of the most important source of potable water of Khandwatown. The water is usually carried by gravitation. When the Moghat reservoir runs low, water is pumped sunk well to supply the town. From last few years the Nagchun pond is being utilized as recreational purposes and also land use in the fringe area recreational activity (picnic spot) under custodian of Khandwa municipal corporation. In 2008 Nagchoon pond named as Atalsarover. Since long time near by the increased anthropogenic activities resulted the problem of silt loading. Material and Methods Chemical analysis of macrophytes: Triple Acid Extract Method: 1 gm. dry powder of macrophtye addnitric acid, sulphuric acid and per chloeric acid in the ratio of (9:3:1). Digest it, filter the extract and make up to 100 ml. With this Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(9), 27-33, September (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 28 triple acid extract determine the different parameter like calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulphate, phosphate, nitrate (kjedhal method) sodium and potassium. Nitrate - Nitrogen (Kjedhal method): The nitrate nitrogen content of macrophytic tissue estimated using the kjedhal flask.1 gm of plant tissue is placed in a long neck kejhdal flask 25 ml. concentrated sulphuricacid, potassiumsulphate and copper sulphate added to it. The glass heated gently in an inclined position. The heating is continued until the brown colour of the liquid cleared. At this point all nitrogen converted in to ammonium sulphate. The kejhdal flask cooled and content diluted with distilled water. The solution than transferred in one-liter flask and NaoH solution pour from the side of neck of flask trap and water condenser. The lower end of the condenser dipped in a 25 ml N/10 sulphuric acid solution. The flask heated gently the ammonia librated and distilled in to sulphuric acid than titrated with N/10 alkali using phenolphthalein as indicator. (1.4 x V x N) Nitrate-nitrogen mg/lit. = X V= volume of Acid used. N= Normality of Acid used. X= weight of plant tissue used. Results and Discussion Observations: The Nagchoon Pond represented by different macrophytic species, observations recorded in the table – 1 to 4 (T A E) the chemical analyses of some important macrophytic species. During both study year, two distinct phases (vegetative phase and flowering phase) for the life cycle in each case. Observations recorded in the table - 1 to 4 the variations in chemical composition in macrophytesan account of difference in environmental conditions, nutrient level and different uptake capacities of different species for different chemicals. Consequently, the present study has been designed, to analyses the important macrophytic species. Calcium: The present study, revealed that the monthly chemical analysis registered in table - 1 to 4 . The value of calcium ranged from 4.11 mg/ lit. in Typhaangustatato 101.66 mg / lit. in Hydrillaverticillata recorded during vegetative phase in the year 2008-09 . During the vegetative phase, the maximum concentration recorded in 101.66 mg / lit. in the Hydrilla verticillata in the year 2008-09.While in year 2009-10 maximum concentration recorded in 60.66 mg / lit. in Vallisneriaspirallis during vegetative phase and minimum calcium value recorded 4.10mg/lit in Typha angustata during flowering phase. Figure-1 Macrophyte Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(9), 27-33, September (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 29 Figure-2 Map of KhandwaTable-1 Chemical Status (Vegetative phase) 2008-09 mg/ Lit.Name of Plant species Calcium Magnasium Chloride Nitrate Sulphate Phosphate Sodium Potasium FLOATING ZONE Ipomoea aquatica forsk 33.53 19.33 16.70 1.93 2.48 4.56 8.00 4.00 SUBMERGED ZONE Hydrilla verticillata L. F. Royle. 101.66 61.20 31.20 0.496 19.63 6.23 7.50 6.50 Ottelia alsimoides L. Pers. 30.74 16.92 17.75 1.22 12.50 6.37 10.5 8.75 Vallisneria spirallis L. 56.33 27.33 29.93 1.33 19.43 8.40 7.66 8.00 EMERGENT ZONE Ammannia baccifera L . 18.06 10.25 12.00 2.07 3.43 2.17 11.25 8.00 Bacopa monnieri L . 20.50 10.33 11.33 2.4 3.75 1.73 7.66 7.00 Cyperus iria L. 13.43 10.33 12.43 2.53 3.50 1.80 13.66 12.66 Eleocharis atropurpurea Kunth. 11.36 8.10 11.00 1.50 2.76 2.10 12.66 9.00 Paspalidium geminatum Forsk . 32.00 14.00 11.20 1.00 4.40 1.75 16.00 12.00 Phyla nodiflora L Greene. 15.67 9.36 11.72 2.07 3.07 2.21 7.28 7.28 Scirpus roylei. Nees. 40.33 19.33 11.66 1.86 3.46 1.4 14.33 10.33 Typha angustata L. 4.11 2.90 4.99 2.39 5.95 3.91 13.25 9.00 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(9), 27-33, September (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 30 Table-2 Chemical Status (Flowering Phase) 2008-09 mg/ Lit.Name of Plant species Calcium Magnasium Chloride Nitrate Sulphate Phosphate Sodium Potasium FLOATING ZONE Ipomoea aquatica forsk 29.00 16.25 15.17 1.35 1.45 4.52 7.00 3.25 SUBMERGED ZONE Hydrilla verticillata L. F. Royle. 95.20 13.70 23.00 0.37 16.22 5.80 5.25 4.75 Ottelia alsimoides L. Pers. 25.66 16.00 15.75 1.01 14.75 7.52 9.00 7.26 Vallisneria spirallis L. 49.00 23.33 21.33 0.83 15.86 8.46 8.66 11.66 EMERGENT ZONE Ammannia baccifera L . 14.00 9.50 10.25 1.67 2.49 2.25 12.00 9.00 Bacopa monnieri L . 14.33 7.00 12.00 2.06 3.10 1.33 7.00 6.33 Cyperus iria L . 12.72 9.55 10.25 1.63 2.72 1.30 11.50 10.76 Eleocharis atropurpurea Kunth. 9.22 3.40 9.60 0.96 1.94 1.06 10 11.66 Paspalidium geminatum Forsk 28.80 12.20 10.20 0.98 7.88 1.78 16.60 11.40 Phyla nodiflora L Greene. 11.00 8.31 11.27 1.20 3.95 1.70 12.00 11.00 Scirpus roylei. Nees. 32.00 17.5 10.00 1.01 2.24 0.93 16.33 12.33 Typha angustata L. 3.64 3.49 3.01 1.70 4.95 4.33 12.35 8.50 Table-3 Chemical Status (Vegetative phase ) 2009-10 mg/lit.Name of Plant species Calcium Magnasium Chloride Nitrate Sulphate Phosphate Sodium Potasium FLOATING ZONE Ipomoea aquatica forsk 30.60 15.16 16.70 2.06 3.40 5.03 12.00 5.33 SUBMERGED ZONE Hydrilla verticillata L. F. Royle. 40.20 60.50 31.57 1.35 26.41 6.65 11.00 7.50 Ottelia alsimoides L. Pers. 36.05 20.26 33.58 2.51 12.90 6.41 12.66 7.66 Vallisneria spirallis L. 60.66 20.11 32.60 1.13 24.95 7.12 10.75 11.00 EMERGENT ZONE Ammannia baccifera L . 16.60 9.34 11.92 2.30 3.88 3.14 11.60 7.60 Bacopa monnieri L . 25.91 11.71 12.13 2.41 8.41 1.88 10.66 12.66 Cyperus iria L. 16.75 12.00 18.52 3.63 11.20 1.56 12.00 12.50 Eleocharis atropurpurea Kunth. 14.70 8.35 11.83 1.77 2.63 1.32 12.00 11.35 Paspalidium geminatum . Forsk 32.60 13.77 12.52 1.62 3.90 2.05 14.25 13.00 Phyla nodiflora L Greene. 25.62 12.07 15.56 2.15 6.46 4.01 7.33 8.00 Scirpus roylei. Nees. 39.46 20.48 12.11 1.42 6.19 1.68 10.33 11.00 Typha angustata L. 11.28 3.71 14.78 2.37 6.14 4.21 13.00 8.40 Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(9), 27-33, September (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 31 Table-4 Chemical Status (Flowering Phase) 2009-10 mg/lit. Name of Plant species Calcium Magnasium Chloride Nitrate Sulphate Phosphate Sodium Potasium FLOATING ZONE Ipomoea aquatica forsk. 30.42 13.27 10.90 1.77 2.52 4.52 8.75 3.25 SUBMERGED ZONE Hydrilla verticillata L. F. Royle. 31.50 51.52 26.57 0.92 19.33 5.52 10.00 8.00 Ottelia alsimoides L. Pers. 34.75 15.57 35.17 2.11 15.35 7.11 11.33 7.00 Vallisneria spirallis L. . 57.93 18.35 25.45 1.09 21.17 6.01 8.60 9.66 EMERGENT ZONE Ammannia baccifera L . 15.40 11.20 9.97 1.27 3.92 2.05 12.00 12.45 Bacopa monnieri L. . 19.16 11.00 11.70 2.09 5.43 1.83 11.37 10.66 Cyperus iria L.. 17.99 12.25 16.71 3.08 10.56 1.27 9.75 9.75 Eleocharis atropurpurea Kunth. 11.37 7.30 11.33 0.99 1.84 1.19 10.25 8.00 Paspalidium geminatum .Forsk 28.52 12.00 10.08 1.20 3.38 1.86 14.50 11.40 Phyla nodiflora L Greene. 13.77 9.22 11.81 1.99 3.62 2.50 15.30 13.80 Scirpus roylei. Nees. 38.60 21.02 13.72 1.14 4.36 1.25 13.5 12.50 Typha angustata L. 4.10 3.81 11.84 2.12 5.22 3.32 11.60 7.20 Magnesium: The data table - 1 to 4 suggested that the maximum concentration of magnasium were ranged from 31.20 mg/ lit. inHydrilla verticillata during vegetative phase and minimum concentration value 3.40 mg/ lit. recorded in Eleocharis atropurpurea in the flowering phase of the year 2008-09. While, next study year, maximum concentration value 60.50 mg/lit. recorded in the Hydrilla verticillata in vegetative phase and minimum concentration value 3.81 mg/ lit. recorded in Typha angustata in the flowering phase. Chloride: It is apparent from the table - 1 to 4 data analyses that during vegetative phase chloride concentration in the some macrophytic species maximum concentration value varied from 31.20 mg/L. Hydrilla verticillata and 3.01 mg/L. Typha angustata during flowering phase in the year 2008-09 . While, in the next study year 2009-10 ranged from maximum concentration recorded 33.58 mg/ L. in the Ottelia alsimonoides during the vegetative phase and minimum concentration recorded 9.97 mg/L in Ammannia baccifera in the flowering phase. Nitrate –Nitrogen: A close look of the data table - 1 to 4 revealed that all species analyzed, the amount of nitrogen higher during vegetative phase. The concentration of nitrate ranged in the study year 2008-09, the maximum concentration value recorded 2.53 mg/L. in the Cyperus iria while minimum concentration value recorded 0.37 mg/L inHydrillaverticillata in flowering phase. During next study year 2009-10, maximum concentration value recorded 3.63 mg/ lit. inCyperus iria during vegetative phase. While minimum concentration value recorded 0.92 mg/L in Hydrilla verticillata in flowering phase. It is interesting to note that calcium and magnasium value recorded maximum in Hydrilla verticillata. While, nitrate recorded minimum in this case. Sulphate: Data presented in table - 1 to 4 suggested that the ranged varied from maximum concentration 19.63 mg/lit. recorded in Hydrillaverticillata during vegetative phase of the year 2008-09. In addition to this, minimum concentration recorded 1.94 mg/L in Eleocharis atropurpurea during flowering phase. Similarly, in the next study year 2009-10 the value ranged from 1.84 mg/L in Eleocharisatropurpurea in the flowering phase and 26.41 mg/L Hydrillaverticillata in the vegetative phase. Phosphate phosphorus: It is apparent from the data table - 1 to 4 the Phosphate range recorded during both the study year. It is observed from the table the maximum concentration 8.40 mg/ lit, found in the Vallisneria spirallis during vegetative phase and 0.95 mg/ lit. in flowering phase of Scirpusroylei in the study year 2008-09 while, in the next study year 2009-10 the phosphate value ranged from 1.25 mg/ lit. In Scirpus roylei and 7.11 mg/L in Ottelia alsimoides in the vegetative phase. It is interesting to note that the concentration of phosphorus almost equal during both the vegetative phase and flowering phase of plant species like Ipomoea aquatica, Vallisneria spirallis, Ammannia baccifera and Paspalidium geminatum in the year 2008-09. While, in the year 2009-10 the plant species like Baccopa monnieri, Eleocharis atropurpurea reported almost equal amount during both the phases. Sodium: It is observed from table - 1 to 4 the value of Sodium ranged from 7.00 mg/L in Ipomoea aquatica and Baccopa monnieri in the flowering phase and 16.33 mg/ lit. in the Scirpusroylei in flowering phase study year 2008-09. In the next study year 2009-10 the value ranged from 7.33 mg/L in Scirpusroylei in vegetative phase and 15.30 mg/ lit. inPhyla nodiflora recorded in flowering phase . Here, it is interesting to note that plant species like Ammannia baccifera andPaspalidium geminatum the concentration of sodium high during flowering phase in 2008-09 while plant species like Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(9), 27-33, September (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 32 Ammannia baccifera Baccopa monnieri and Typha angustatarecorded higher valueof sodium in the flowering phase in the year 2009-10. Potassium: The data table-1 to 4 revealed that the concentration of potassium value ranged from 3.25 mg/ lit. inIpomoea aquatica during the flowering phase and 12.66 mg / lit. inCyperusiria in vegetative phase the data recorded during the study period 2008-09. In this study year, it is noted from the table-1 to 4 that in the plant species Vallisneria spirallis and Eleocharis atropurpurea, concentration of potassium recorded higher in the flowering phase. Similar lily, in the study year 2009-10 the potassium concentration ranged from 3.25 mg/ lit. in Ipomoea aquatica in flowering phase and 13.80 mg/ lit. in the plant Phyla nodiflora during flowering phase . In study year with respect to potassium, concentration that in the flowering phase more concentration were recorded then the vegetative phase in the plant species like table - 1 to 4 Hydrillaverticillata, Ammanniabaccifera, Paspalidium geminatum, Phyla nodiflora and Scirpusroylei. Discussion Investigation on the chemical composition of aquatic macrophytes are important since, besides furnishing data on the capacity for nutrient stocking in the biomass of these plants. They also permit the analysis of nutrient availability for the growth4, 5. The results of the chemical analysis made on the aquatic macrophytes have been often utilized to estimate nutrient cycling and budgeting in the ecosystem and to compare nutrient value of different species . Some of these studies have reported many variations in the chemical composition within the same species collected from different areas as well as among different species growing in the same environment7,8.whichhave made ecological studies on the chemical composition of aquatic macrophytes from temperate region, among others. Such research on species of tropical region is rare; exceptions being the work in Lobo reservoir in Brazil. All these studies have recorded in table-5 indicated that variations in chemical composition in aquatic plants are results of differences in environment nutrient levels inpond and different uptake capacity of nutrients of various species. Observations on the concentration of various chemical (in the species analyzed) during vegetative and flowering phase recorded in table- 1 to 4 and The values, obtained for mineral content in the macrophytic species studied very well correspond with those, reported by the other authors9,10. Similarly in other aquatic ecosystem in Madhya Pradesh studied11-14. Conclusion A comparative analytical study of concentration of various chemicals during vegetative and flowering phase suggested the following trend in table-5. A zone wise observation showed that the submerged species recorded the high concentration of chemical like calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulphate and phosphate in both phases of submerged plant species and both year of study period. While, the chemicals like nitrate sodium and potassium recorded low concentration in submerged plant species during both year of study period. While, in the emergent zone chemicals like calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sulphate and phosphate recorded in low concentration and high concentration of nitrate sodium and potassium chemicals recorded in plant species. Table-5 Comparative Chemical Analytical Study Name of Plant species Calcium Magnasium Chloride Nitrate Sulphate Phosphate Sodium Potassium FLOATING ZONE Ipomoea aquatica forsk More More More More More Equal More More SUBMERGED ZONE Hydrilla verticillataL.F. Royle.More More More More More More More More Ottelia alsimoides L. Pers.More More More More ------ ------- More More Vallisneria spirallis L.More More More More More Equal ------- ------- EMERGENT ZONE Ammannia baccifera L .More More More More More ------- ------- -------- Bacopa monnieri L .More More ------- More More More More More Cyperus iria L . More More More More More More More More EleocharisatropurpureaKunth.More More More More More More More -------- PaspalidiumgeminatumForsk .More More More More ------- Equal Equal More Phyla nodiflora L Greene.More More Equal More -------- More ------- ------- Scirpus roylei. Nees.More More More More More More ------- -------- Typha angustata L.More ------- More More More ----- More More Research Journal of Chemical Sciences ___________________________________________________________ ISSN 2231-606XVol. 4(9), 27-33, September (2014) Res. J. Chem. Sci. International Science Congress Association 33 References 1.Singh J.P., Singh S. and Khanna D.R., Water quality status of river Ganga in respect of physico-chemical, microbial characteristics at Anupshahar Dist. Buland, U.P., Trop.Ecol., (19) 178-188 (2006) 2.Heegaard E., Birsks H.H., Gibson C.E., Smith S.J. and Murphy S.W., Species environmental relationships of aquatic macrophyte in Northern Ireland, Aquatic Botany, (70), 175-223 ( 2001)3.Esteves F.A. and R. Barbieri, Dry weight and chemical changes during decomposition of tropical macrophytes in Lobo reservior Sao paulo, Brazil, Aquatic. 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