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The Effect of Hybridization on Mechanical Behaviour of Coir/Sisal/Jute Fibres Reinforced Polyester Composite Material

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Applied chemistry, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, MP, INDIA

Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 2, Issue (6), Pages 91-93, June,18 (2012)


In the presentinvestigation, the effect of hybridization on mechanical properties on coir and sisal reinforced polyester composite (CSRP), coir and jute reinforced polyester composite (CJRP), jute and sisal reinforced polyester composite (JSRP) were evaluated experimentally. Composites were fabricated using compression moulding technique.The results demonstrate that hybridization play an important role for improving the mechanical properties of composites. The tensile and flexural properties of hybrid composites are markedly improved as compare to unhybrid composites. Water Sorptionbehaviour of composite was also studied. Water absorption behaviour indicated that hybrid composites offer better resistance to water absorption. This work demonstrates the potential of thehybrid natural fibre composite materials for use in a number of consumable goods.


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