Physical, proximate and pasting properties of flours from selected clones of low postharvest physiological deterioration cassava
Author Affiliations
- 1Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute, P.M.B. 5044, Onireke, Oyo State, Nigeria
- 2Akperan Orshi Polytechnic, Yandev, P.M.B. 181, Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria
- 3Food Science and Technology Department, P.M.B. 01129, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
- 4International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, P.M.B. 5320. Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
- 5Microbiology Department, P.M.B. 1, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 11, Issue (3), Pages 24-32, October,18 (2021)
Pasting properties of food depicts various uses of starch based food ingredients in food production processes. The physical, proximate and pasting properties of high quality cassava flours produced from low postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) cassava was examined by this study. Wholesome four varieties of yellow-fleshed Low PPD cassava and one variety of high PPD cassava were, washed, grated, pressed, pulverized, flash dried at 120°C for 8 minutes, milled with cyclone hammer mill to which a screen having aperture size of 250 was affixed, subsequently cooled and packaged into high density polyethylene bag. The flours were subjected to analysis such asphysical, proximate and pasting. SPSS 25.0 was used to analyze pertinent data generated, means that were significant was separated applying Duncan multiple range test. Lightness of the flour (L*), redness to greenness (a*), blueness to yellowness (b*), hue and chroma had values ranging from 97.96-99.01, -0.07-1.05, 6.42-15.28 and 90.62-95.93 and 6.43-15.32. Moisture, protein, ash, fat, carbohydrate, dry matter and energy value ranged from 6.84-8.73%, 0.17-0.34%, 0.23-0.63%, 0.23-0.63%, 90.08-92.14%, 91.27-93.16% and 1521.68-1558.96KJ/kg. Pasting parameter such as peak, trough, breakdown, final, setback viscosity, peak time and pasting temperature had values ranging from 552.25-716.79RVU, 68.29-234.67RVU, 361.13-517.38RVU, 291.09-380.09RVU, 85.67-265.21RVU, 3.53-4.13min and 71.93-73.55°C respectively. The high gel strength, starch granule stability to heating and low peak time revealed that low PPD cassava flours are suitable for use in the baking and confectionery industry.
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