International Highest Cited Papers Award

The International Highest Cited Papers Award was initiated in the year 2013 by International Science Community Association to honour and recognize the author who has made significant fundamental contributions to basic and advanced research over a sustained period of years and whose efforts have marked an impact in advancement of the society.

General terms and Conditions

  • Nominee should be an International Science Community Association Fellow Contributor.
  • Main criteria for the award are number of citations (more than 700).
  • The evaluation sheet must be filled properly. Each claim should be supported by the documents failing with that the award would not be considered.
  • Nomination form can be obtained from the International Science Community Association Website.Click Here: To download nomination form
  • Last date to receive the nominations is 30th September 2024.
  • Incomplete applications will be rejected without any further notice.

Complete Application soft copy as a single folder on DVD and Email shall be submitted to:


Krishnaashraya, 427, Palhar Nagar, RAPTC, VIP-Road, Indore-452005, MP, India