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Table of Contents

Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (10), Pages 1-10, November (2013)

Research Paper

1. Determination of Effective Atomic Number and Mass Attenuation Coefficient of 5070 wrought Aluminum alloy with Multi Energetic photons
K. Narender,A.S. MadhusudhanRao,K. GopalKishanRao, GopiKrishnaN.,K. Ashokreddy (2013). Res. J. Physical Sci., 1(10), 1-5.
2. Influence of Local Dye on the Optical band-gap of Titanium Dioxide and its performance as a DSSC Material
L.U. Okoli, OzuombaJ.O.,A.J. Ekpunobi (2013). Res. J. Physical Sci., 1(10), 6-10.