Practical Ranges of Electrons and Positrons in Intermediate and High Energy Region for Condensed Materials
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Physics, B. S. A. College, Mathura, India, 281004
- 2Department of Physics, B. S. A. College, Mathura, India, 281004
Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 4, Issue (9), Pages 1-6, November,4 (2016)
The present paper presents a simple empirical formula for the practical ranges of electrons and positrons from atomic numbers 1 to 92 in different materials. The formula is existing in the expression of the multiplication of factor related to the continuous-slowing-down approximation (CSDA) range and to multiple scattering detours. The factor being articulated as a parameter of electron energy received by the target (incident) and atomic number of the medium (Z). For CSDA range in the practical-range formula, exact recorded values available or an fairly accurate methodical expression derived as a parameter of electron energy received by the target (incident) and atomic number of the medium, atomic weight and mean excitation energy of medium can be used. The utmost variation of the consequential formula with the other accessible data was 2%. The formula can also be applied to not too heavy compounds and mixtures by using an effectual atomic number and atomic weight. It is quite clear from the results drawn that this method gives better concurrence with the existing data.
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