Table of ContentsRes. J. of Physical Education Sci., Volume 2, Issue (10), Pages 1-50, October (2014) |
Research Paper |
1. |
The Physical Education Program of State Universities in Isabela: An Assessment Cariaga,, Jane N. (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 1-8. Abstract |
2. |
Orientation Ability among Ball Game Players: A Comparative Analysis Singh Jaspal (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 9-11. Abstract |
3. |
A Comparative Study of Muscular Strength and Muscular Power among Cricket Players Singh Baljinder ,Singh Manjit ,Singh Ranjit (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 12-16. Abstract |
4. |
Flexibility and Abdominal Strength among Macedonian children and adolescents: Eurofit Protocol Gontarev Seryozha ,Ruzdija Kalac (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 17-21. Abstract |
5. |
A Comparative Analysis of Motor Fitness Components of Throwers: A Foundation for Success Singh Pritam , Singh Bal Baljinder ,Singh Manjit ,Singh Sukhbir (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 22-24. Abstract |
6. |
A Comparative Analysis of Respiratory Indices of Throwers: A Foundation for Success Singh Sukhbir ,Singh Manjit ,Kumar Satinder ,Singh Bal Baljinder (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 25-27. Abstract |
7. |
A Comparative Analysis of Personality Traits of Jumpers: A Key to Towards Success Kumar Satinder ,Singh Manjit ,Singh Bal Baljinder ,Singh Sukhbir (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 28-31. Abstract |
8. |
A Comparative Analysis of Motor Fitness Components among Sprinters, Throwers and Jumpers Singh Manjit ,Singh Sukhbir ,Singh Bal Baljinder (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 32-38. Abstract |
9. |
A Comparative Study of Muscular Endurance and Running Speed among Cricket Players Singh Ranjit , Singh Manjit , Kumar Satinder ,Singh Bal Baljinder (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 39-42. Abstract |
10. |
A Comparative Study of Running Agility, Jumping Ability and Throwing Ability among Cricket Players Kumar Karunesh ,Singh Manjit ,Singh Bal Baljinder ,Singh Ranjit (2014). Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., 2(10), 44-50. Abstract |