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Perceived Parenting of the School-Going Adolescents Having Physical Education as Their Additional Subject in Secondary Stage of Education

Author Affiliations

  • 1Mahesh Banga Vidyalaya, Hooghly, West Bengal, INDIA
  • 2Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education, Nadia, West Bengal, INDIA

Res. J. of Physical Education Sci., Volume 1, Issue (7), Pages 1-4, December,23 (2013)


Parenting serves as an effective agent of socialization. Child’s perception of parental attitude towards him/her has a great impact on the dynamics of his/her behaviour. A quick review of literature shows that the proper blending of masculine supervision and feminine tenderness seems to be of utmost importance in the upbringing of a child for the normal growth. The study was carried out through descriptive survey method within ex - post - facto research design. A sample of 273 adolescents (98 femal e and 175 male) having physical education as their additional subject in secondary stage of education , was chosen from government aided secondary / higher secondary schools of West Bengal by stratified random sampling technique. To collect data Parenting Scale (P Scale) was administered on the sample. In the present study we assessed the extent of perceived parenting of the subjects. It might help in future to develop their attitude towards physical education and physical activiti es. Here, both female and male adolescents received same type of parental encouragement; there were no gender inequality in parenting and there was also no difference in perceived parenting scores between the rural and urban adolescents.


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