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Prevalence of Dermatophytoses in Rural Population of Garhwal Himalayan Region, Uttarakhand, India

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Botany and Microbiology, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University), Srinagar, Uttarakhand-246174, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., Volume 2, Issue (8), Pages 9-12, August,28 (2014)


To assess the prevalence and factors contributing in developing dermatophytoses in rural population of Garhwal Himalayan Region, a cross sectional study of 12 villages was done family to family from 1-Jan-2013 to 28-Aug-2013 and a total of 106 samples were taken into study from subjects who didn’t attend OPD and were not receiving any anti fungal treatment. Samples were tested by potassium hydroxide [KOH] examination. Macroscopic and Microscopic examination of direct sample and corresponding culture was done to identify the etiologic agent. All of 106 samples were found KOH positive whereas 74 [69.81 %] samples were culture positive. Amongst culture positive samples, clinical type Tinea capitis was found predominant with 43.24% prevalence followed by Tinea corporis and Tinea pedis 28.38% and 18.92% respectively. Tinea cruris was found least with 9.46 % occurrence. Males [64.86%] were more prone to dermatophytoses than females [35.14%]. A pretested questionnaire, to assess prevalence was designed and data was collected and analyzed.


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