Clinical and Microbiological Profile of Neonatal Infections in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Microbiology, Shree Ramakrishna Institute of Computer Education and Applied Sciences, Surat, Gujarat, INDIA
Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (8), Pages 15-18, September,28 (2013)
Neonatal infection is a foremost cause of admissions in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), accounted annually about 1.6 million newborns death in developing countries and a big hurdle for achievement of the Millennium Development Goal for child survival. Bacterial sepsis and meningitis are among the predominant causes. Prevalence of etiological agent varies with the time and region, surveillance is needed to manage and reduce newborn infections. Various clinical specimens were collected from infectious neonates admitted in NICUs from various children hospitals of Surat, Gujarat, India, over a period of 25 months. Pathogens were isolated and identified by following strict microbiological standards. Prevalence of different infections was studied, specifically in Low Birth Weight (LBW), preterm and normal delivered babies. In our study, positivity was found in 21.22% cases. Among them, incidences of culture proven sepsis were observed higher (73.39%). Infections were chiefly seen in LBW and preterm babies and surprisingly in vaginal delivered babies, indicate vertical transmission of infection. E.coli (n=83) found as a major cause of infections followed by K. pneumoniae. The fulminate nature of neonatal infections and its high mortality rate has posed a challenge in NICUs and could be manage by its early diagnosis. LBW and preterm babies again signify as predisposing factors. Higher rates of infections, in normal delivered babies highlight the maternal factor as important risk factor.
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