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Designing Community Based Rehabilitation Model Using Structural Equation Modeling (Iran)

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Health Services Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN
  • 2 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN
  • 3 College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran University Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN
  • 4 College of Nursing and Midwifery, Gilan University Medical Sciences, Rasht, IRAN

Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (8), Pages 1-7, September,28 (2013)


CBR as a strategy within community development for rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities, and social inclusion of all people with disabilities. The purpose of the study was Designing Community Based Rehabilitation Model using SEM. This study is a comparative-descriptive research that has been performed by factor analysis method. In the qualitative stage the process owners were 45 experts and in factor analysis stage, there were 564 CBR experts of Iran, CBR departments and rehabilitation deputies of 31 provinces and the CBR specialists and rehabilitation deputies of the CBR executing counties. The data collection tool was researcher-made questionnaire the content validity of which was determined through expert panel and its construct validity was determined through exploratory factor analysis by principal component analysis method with varimax rotation using SPSS16 software. Its reliability was also confirmed by test-retest and internal consistency method using Cronbach's Alpha (96%) and the most important community-based rehabilitation factors were identified through path analysis and structural equation modeling using LISREL software 8.8. In exploratory component analysis, 7 main components were identified; using semi-professional people with 9 variables, 43.1% variance, and 23.28 eigenvalue as the most important factor and social integration of the disabled people with 2 variables and 2.19% variance as the less important factor clarified the community-based rehabilitation changes; however, in the fitted model which is the most complete saturated model, 7 factors of subsistence with ß= 0.20, using semi-professional people with ß= 0.19, medical procedures with ß= 0.19, socio-political supports with ß= 0.18, social integration of the disabled people with ß=0.18, educational measures with ß= 0.16, and health practices with ß= 0.14 had the highest predictive power in the order of importance. Considering the cultural, economic, political, and social context of Iran, usage of the obtained factors can promote the dignity of the disabled people and their family in the society as well as empowering and equalization of their opportunities.


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