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Table of Contents

Res. J. Marine Sci., Volume 9, Issue (1), Pages 1-18, December (2021)

Research Paper

1. First record of Protoperidinium quinquecorne (Dinoflagellates) bloom in Dubai coastal waters at Al Mamzar Corniche
Karuppaiyan Murugesan,Ibrahim Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Juma,Noora Mohammed Ahmed Hokal (2021). Res. J. Marine Sci., 9(1), 1-7.
2. Coral reef performance in Pieh Island, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Ainul Jariah Alhamra,Basuki Rachmad,Sinung Rahardjo,Ahmadi . (2021). Res. J. Marine Sci., 9(1), 8-12.
3. Role of foraminifera and benthic mollusks as biological indicators of the beach environment along the coastal stretches of India
Gautam Kumar Das (2021). Res. J. Marine Sci., 9(1), 13-18.