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Res. J. Language and Literature Sci., Volume 2, Issue (11), Pages 1-7, November (2015)

Research Article

1. Girls’ First Love; Their Fathers: Freudian Theory Electra complex
Mahrukh Khan and Kamal Haider, Res. J. Language and Literature Sci., 2(11),1-4(2015)

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The aim of this article is to discuss the girls’ thoughts about a boy particularly their fathers when they cross the phallic stage. Though a young lady initially adores her mom, she starts to disdain her mom, who is physically like her. She sees her mom as an adversary for her dad's consideration. The Electra complex was a psychoanalytic term used to depict a young lady's feeling of rivalry with her mom for the adoration of her dad. It was tantamount to the Oedipus complex. As per Sigmund Freud, amid female psychosexual advancement a young lady was at first joined to her mom. When she found that she didn't have a penis, she got to be joined to her dad and started to hate her mom who she accused for her mutilation. Thus, Freud accepted that the young lady then started to relate to and imitate her mom out of trepidation of losing her affection.
2. La « folle » bizarrerie de Miss Harriet
Kalplata, Res. J. Language and Literature Sci., 2(11),5-8(2015)

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Miss Harriet est « bizarre », silencieuse et donc « folle ». Selon l’autre, c’est une femme « différente » qu’on ne comprend pas. À la fin du conte cette « folle » se suicide. Pourquoi se suicide-t-elle ? Dans cet article, nous essayons de chercher une réponse à cette question. D’ailleurs, nous tentons d’arriver à une définition de la folie féminine comme per Ç Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla ç çue par Maupassant.Quelle est sa stratégie adoptée pour jeter la femme dans la zone « folle » ? Est-ce que, dans ces contes, la folie féminine est tout simplement un mythe construit par l’autre masculin afin de marginaliser le féminin?