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A case study: Investigating writing problems of English students at Benghazi University

Author Affiliations

  • 1University of Benghazi, Libya, Department of English

Res. J. Language and Literature Sci., Volume 9, Issue (2), Pages 11-20, May,19 (2022)


The study emphasizes an effort made to analyse the composing writing skills and practices of students at Benghazi University majoring in English. The study assumes that only through investigating the writing processes can we start to assess the suitability of the adopted teaching techniques. The key objective of this study is to recognise the problems students face within the writing procedure while focusing on essay and paragraph writing. The study also discusses some of the problems encountered by students, namely, sentence connectors, order of words, used mechanics, prepositions, lexical selection, cohesion, articles, and pronouns, etc. Data for this study included a mid-term exam, an assignment, and a questionnaire. The results of this study offer important teaching implications for second language writing pedagogy as well as for course design. Recommendations are offered to help improve students’ writing performance.


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