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Table of Contents

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 4, Issue (2), Pages 1-77, February (2015)

Research Paper

1. Unveiling the Image of Women from the Waves of the “Rivers of Kings”
RenukaDevi Khwairakpam (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 1-3.
2. Impact of Self Monitoring on Positive Behaviour in Learning Disabled Children
Indulekha Paul,P. Mahendran (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 4-7.
3. Management of Stress and Enhancement of Self-Esteem in School Teachers through Positive Therapy
S. Saranya,Rohini N.S. (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 8-10.
4. Effects of Social Media on Social Relationships: A Descriptive Study on the Impact of Mobile Phones among Youth Population
M.M. Rajeev,Jobilal (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 11-16.
5. Motivating Factors for taking up of Entrepreneurial Activities by the Rural Women
M. Swetha,M. JaganMohanReddy,V. Sudharani (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 17-19.
6. The Unorganized Sector and Urban Poverty: A Policy Analysis
ManasKumar Malik,Aruna C. (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 20-26.
7. Comparative Study of Ethnomedicine among the Tribes of North East India
Bhuyan Monimugdha (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 27-32.

Research Article

8. Healthy Diet: Smart Nutrients and Nutritional Disorder Dementia among Geriatrics
Bhagyapreet Kaur,R.K. Verma,Shalini Agarwal,Meera Singh (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 33-38.
9. Are Students Engaged in Classroom Teaching?-Delving into Flipped Learning Model
MaryT. Amirtha,Shalini J.Florence (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 39-43.
10. A Study of Professionalism of Secondary School Teachers
Vishal Varia (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 44-48.
11. Indo-Iranian relations in the Post Cold War Era
ShamimAhmad Wagay (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 49-51.
12. Talent Management: A Bird’s Eye View View
S. Sheokand,A. Verma (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 52-58.

Review Paper

13. Status of Primary Rural Education: An Overview of Bankura and Birbhum Districts, West Bengal, India
Anindya Basu (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 59-67.
14. Nepali Nationalism and Media: A Critical Review
Binit Gurung (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 68-71.

Case Study

15. To What Extent Does Diplomacy Reflect National Character? A Case Study of Analyzing the Extent of the post-1990 North Korea’s Diplomacy Reflection on its National Character
Dawit MezgebeTsegaye (2015). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 4(2), 72-77.