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Table of Contents

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 3, Issue (9), Pages 1-67, September (2014)

Research Paper

1. Effectiveness of anger Management training program in Managing Aggressive behavior of Adults with Mental retardation
Neetu Saini,NajarSajad Ahmad (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 1-6.
2. A study to find the Relation between Knowledge Index, Adoption Index and Awareness Index of Selected Animal Husbandry Practices with the Exogenous Variables
Amitendu De,Goswami A.,D. Mazumder (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 7-13.
3. Educational Vulnerability and Risk Factors of Tea Garden Workers with Special Reference to Dewan Tea Garden Village, Cachar, Assam, India
DebNath Ruma,Dipak Nath (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 14-21.
4. Impacts of Flood and Drought Hazards on the Economy of the Northern Region of Sri Lanka
N. Piratheeparajah,Rajendram K. (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 22-33.
5. Women Migrants and their Mental Health: A Study of Working Women Hostellers in Mumbai
Reshmi RS,Unisa Sayeed,Juby Ann Jose (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 34-41.
6. Right to Food: A Constitutional Obligation on the State
Sabberwal Karan,Nabhit Kapur (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 42-45.
7. Fast Food and Junk Food Culture, Nutritional Status and Cognitive and Abnormal Behaviour among Teens
Rajneesh Kaur,Preet KaurBhagya,R.K. Verma,U.V. Kiran (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 46-49.

Research Article

8. Foreign Policy of India towards China: Principles and Perspectives
MehrajUddin Gojree (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 50-58.
9. Customary Law and Women in North East India
Roselima KameiPamei (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 59-62.

Review Paper

10. The Economic Policies for Elimination of Poverty: A Comparative Analysis between Pakistan and Malaysia
Syed Shahabuddin,Ahsan Lubna (2014). Int. Res. J. Social Sci., 3(9), 63-67.