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Evaluation of the effectiveness of purifier of water as used in household water treatment on different raw water sources

Author Affiliations

  • 1The Diane Fossey Gorilla Fund International, Kampala University (seat office at Kampala in Uganda), Musanze city, Rwanda

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 6, Issue (11), Pages 1-10, November,14 (2017)


Household water treatment is important to improve quality of water from different sources that are likely to have contaminants. The Purifier of water (PUR) has been proven to remove the vast majority of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, even in highly turbid water. The use of PUR at household level poses two main technical limitations: i. it does not take into account variations in raw water ii. Pre-chlorination is associated with the Disinfectant-By-Products (DBPs) formation. The study devised to assess the effectiveness of PUR use in household water treatment on different raw water sources. Thus, it wanted to know how PUR treatment may be effective to the users of identified raw water sources in Juru Sector. The study design adopted an objective philosophy and used an experimental and survey strategies. It has exploited the subjective and interpretive character to have more understanding of how people do to purify water they use. The study has been mainly exploratory and explanatory. It adopted a deductive research approach. The study took 3 years to be completed. The study was cross-sectional. As results, PUR reduced 100% of fecal coliforms, 100% of all tested water samples presented turbidity less than 5NTU (norms in drinking water is <5NTU) and 100% of all water samples presented residual Chlorine which is in the standard range of World Health Organization (0.2-0.5mg/l). Total coliform colonies less than 12 were observed in 19% of tested samples of water treated using PUR ready to drink (norms <100 colonies in 100ml). DBPs were likely to be formed. Compared to the accepted norms, the PUR treatment has been effective. The study suggested employing coal-based carbons and retention to protect public health by limiting exposure to disinfectant by-products. Conduct a mapping study in the District to identify and locate the sources of water recommended for disinfection in general and those mostly recommended for other specific household water treatment like the use of PUR. Based on the results from the study where the researcher observed the occurrence of DBPs when using PUR, he proposed guiding theories using coal-based carbons and retention to eliminate or reduce DBPs formation.


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