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An Overview on Romanian Tourism to the Middle East: Possibilities of Travel to and Knowledge of the Region

Author Affiliations

  • 1The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 5, Issue (8), Pages 26-41, August,14 (2016)


This paper aims to draw a picture of the tourist relations between Romania and the Middle East, a region which has become more prominent on the country\'s tourist market in the last decade. There are two facts that make this region attractive to Romanians. The first one is that it is new and new destinations, surrounded by a small amount of mystery and exoticism always appeal to the market. The second reason is that the array of destinations in this region is suitable for a large number of types of tourism: coastal tourism, religious tourism, shopping tourism and of course, cultural tourism. However, even if as already mentioned, mystery and exoticism have the potential to make a destination more attractive, too much of this, especially mystery, can have the exact opposite effect in tourism, driving customers away. Considering this, it was decided to split this paper in two main parts: the first one analyzes the current state of the tourist offer to the Middle East in Romania by means of analyzing the offers of certain tour operators and the second one is a direct research which had the purpose to determine the level of knowledge the survey\'s subjects had regarding the Middle East and tourism to this region.


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