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Optimistic and Pessimistic Attitude Influencing Depressive Symptoms in Old Age

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 4, Issue (5), Pages 52-58, May,14 (2015)


Depression is the commonest and the most reversible mental health problem in old age. It is associated with physical illness and disability, life events, social isolation and loneliness. Present study attempts to ascertain the role of optimistic and pessimistic attitude for depressive symptoms in individuals at the late stage of their life. The study was carried out with 300 participants of 60 to 85 years age who were drawn from Delhi, India. The respondents were given 21 items BDI scale to measure their level of depression and 56 items OPS scale which measures the optimistic and pessimistic attitude. Linear regression analysis was applied to complete the objectives of the study. Analysis of the responses showed that pessimism was a significant predictor of depression whereas optimism was found as an insignificant predictor of depressive symptoms among elderly. Results also indicated pessimism as a significant predictor of depression among female older persons, elderly living in urban settings, older who had their spouses alive and also among those having spouses not alive.


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