Examining the Relationship between Depression, Anxiety and Religious Orientation in Kashmir University Students
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Psychology, University of Kashmir, J&K INDIA
Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 4, Issue (5), Pages 1-4, May,14 (2015)
The present study was conducted with the aim to examine the relationship between depression, anxiety and religious orientation among Kashmir University Students and to find out the significant differences in these variables with respect to gender. 200 students studying in various departments of Kashmir University completed the Becks Depression Inventory (Beck, 1960), Becks Anxiety Inventory (Beck, Epstein, Brown, Aaron, Steer, 1988).and Age Universal Scale of Religious Orientation (Gorusch and Vanable, 1983). Results of the study revealed a significant negative correlation of anxiety and depression with intrinsic religious orientation whereas with respect to extrinsic orientation no significant correlations were found. No significant differences were found in anxiety and depression as far as gender is concerned. However with respect to religious orientation males were found to be more extrinsically oriented and females were found to be more intrinsically oriented.
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