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Emerging area of Counselling in Schools in India

Author Affiliations

  • 1Karnataka State Women’s University, Bijapur, INDIA
  • 2 Dept. of Social Work , Dean of Social Sciences and Registrar, Karnataka State Women’s University, Bijapur, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 3, Issue (3), Pages 44-47, March,14 (2014)


The changing family structure and the evolving social trends with a breakdown in the traditional support system has created a gap for fulfilling the physical , psychological and social needs of the child stressing the need for an alternative support system to meet the needs of the child. Counselling in schools is definitely the bridge that might fill this gap. The area of school counselling in India is very young and needs to spread and establish itself. The norms for it’s practice have to be laid down, the need for school counselling requires a proper recognition and all efforts need to be put together to utilize this very important psychological skill in preventing and in responding to the various psychosocial needs of the school children. The present paper seeks to review an emerging area of counselling in schools in India. The objectives of the paper are, to stress the need for counselling in schools in India, to trace the history of school counselling in India, to scrutinize the current position of counselling in the Indian schools, to analyse the norms to be laid down for the practice of counselling in the schools in India. The method adopted is a review of literature.


  1. The new vision for school counselling, The Education Trust, (2014)
  2. American School Counsellors’ Association,
  3. Indian Institute of School Psychology, (2014)
  4. Shetty BMC, Schools are neglecting counselling, an interview with Sudeshna Chatterjee in Indian Express, (1999)
  5. Kinra Asha K , Guidance And Counselling, 102 (2008)
  6. Counselling to be made mandatory in schools, Times of India, Hyderabad edition, http://articles.timesofindia. - 2/hyderabad/38217350_1_child-rights-counselling-corporal-punishment (2013)
  7. Malkarnekar Gauree, The Times of India, Goa edition, The Times of India, Goa edition, http://articles.timesofindia. courses-counsellors-gedc (2013)
  8. Venugopalan Preetu Nair, Times of india / Education , Kochi edition, /2013-04-10/news/38433528_1_career- guidance-careercounsellors-career-choice, (2013)
  9. Mitra Neelanjana, Yasmeen Summiya, Roy Swati, Patil Anupama and T. Varoodhini, Education World: The Human Development Magazine, Special Report (2010)