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Food Intake Pattern of Malnourished Preschool Children after Supplementation of Soyaladoo

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Pravara Rural Education Society’s, Home Science and BCA College, Loni, Taluka-Rahata, District-Ahamadnager, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 36-40, November,14 (2012)


Malnutrition is the greatest threat to global public health. It has estimated that 178 million children are malnourished around the World. Whereas 40 per cent children are found under nourished among them 6.4 per cent are estimated severely malnourished in India. Hence supplementary feeding programmes are the emerging need in under nutrition for vulnerable segment in the population. Supplementary feeding must be the additional nutrients which are providing for the optional growth and desirable change in health status. Hence effort had been made to formulate soyaladoo. The organoleptically high scored soyaladoo evaluated nutritionally for major nutrients such as energy(470.0kcal), proteins (20.1 g) and fats (22.0 g) content found more in soyaladoo. The micro nutrients such as iron (6.3 mg), zinc (3.8 mg) and calcium (286.5 mg) were also observed higher range in soyaladoo. It shown better keeping qualities upto two months when stored in a tetra package at room temperature. Such soyaladoo was given @ 50 g/ child/day. The soyaladoo supplemented group shown high significant change in major food groups i.e. cereals and legumes in group I. highly significant change was seen in fat and oil in soyaladoo supplemented group.


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